Bobby Whitescarver smiles next to a mature riparian forest buffer

Bobby Whitescarver

Bobby Whitescarver, a longtime USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) guru, retired in 2011 to start a conservation consulting service, Whitescarver Natural Resources Management. Bobby is a lifetime farmer in Swoope, Virginia, and has worked tirelessly with Virginia’s farmers and landowners to enroll buffer acres in the CREP program. Today, Bobby has been involved with over … Read More

volunteers survey a healthy, green buffer at common thread farms in Hamilton, New York

Susquehanna Joint Chief’s Grant

In 2014, the Upper Susquehanna Coalition (USC) awarded $280,000 to the Tioga County Soil and Water Conservation District as part of the Susquehanna Watershed Riparian Buffer Enhancement Program. The grant aimed to increase the acres of riparian forest buffers in the Upper Susquehanna watersheds to meet the goal of 475 buffer acres per year. Funds were used … Read More

A healthy forest buffer in the Upper Susquehanna Watershed

Upper Susquehanna River Watershed

The Upper Susquehanna Coalition (USC) Buffer Program helps landowners fund and maintain valuable forest buffer projects in the Upper Susquehanna Watershed.

a field with treelings recently planted

Centre County Agricultural Conservation Program

The Upper Penns Creek Watershed is 240 square miles in size and includes approximately 30 linear miles of the Penns Creek stream channel and numerous tributaries including Sinking Creek, Elk Creek, and Pine Creek.

The Potomac River in West Virginia in autumn

Upper Potomac Riparian Buffer and Floodplain Forest Plantings

The Upper Potomac Riparian Buffer project applied hydrologic-based targeting for restoration, evaluated high priority locations, and planted forests and trees to reduce pollutants and enhance coldwater fisheries habitat in priority areas of the Upper Potomac.

a farmer standing in front of fenced in cows

Lancaster County Comprehensive Agricultural Stewardship

Through the Comprehensive Agricultural Stewardship project, Stroud Water Research Center was able to accelerate implementation of agricultural BMPs in in the Valley Creek area by providing technical assistance to farmers and advancing nutrient credit trading opportunities.

farmer Cliff looking out at his farm

Restoring Forest and Buffers on Mount Vernon Farm

In 2003, Cliff Miller put 604 acres of the farm into permanent easement with the Virginia Outdoors Foundation and started working with USDA’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and other programs to transition to a new way of farming.