a stream with seedlings laid down along the banks

Poague Run

Once a quagmire of cattle manure, human sewage and sediment – Poague Run is now clean and cold enough to stock with the Chesapeake Bay’s native, pollution sensitive, top predator freshwater fish – Brook Trout.

volunteers planting trees in a field

Riparian Buffer Site Steward Program

Critical to the success of ClearWater’s Riparian Conservation Program is their commitment to provide ongoing assistance to landowners with buffer maintenance. They do this through their Riparian Buffer Site Steward Program.

Plain Sect Farmers and Buffer Bonus

Between 2010 and 2013 Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) conducted a special project to engage Plain Sect farmers in Lancaster County in farm conservation projects.

Carroll County Partners

A partnership in Carroll County between Maryland Forest Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency, Maryland Department of Agriculture, and Carroll County Soil Conservation District has shown that good collaboration among partners can help to radically improve the rate of forest buffer restoration.

Bradford County CREP Partners

A group of conservation partners in Bradford County, Pennsylvania are single-minded on how they appeal to landowners about incorporating riparian forest buffers –they made it a requirement in order to receive other funding for BMPs on their farm.