Riparian Buffer Site Steward Program

clearwaterClearWater Conservancy, a central Pennsylvania land trust and conservation organization, initiated its award winning Riparian Conservation Program in 2004. Since then, the conservancy has nearly 70 restoration projects underway. Critical to the success of ClearWater’s Riparian Conservation Program is our commitment to provide ongoing assistance to landowners with buffer maintenance. We do this through our Riparian Buffer Site Steward Program.
Site Stewards are special volunteers that are interested in a long-term commitment and willing to be responsible for a designated stream buffer restoration project. Stewards’ primary responsibility is to perform specific tasks to help ensure the survival of newly planted trees and shrubs, often for years. Stewards are the main point of contact and maintain regular communication with ClearWater staff and landowners, as well as tenant farmers and/or neighbors as needed. When large maintenance needs are identified, Stewards help staff lead volunteer group workdays. Stewards are responsible for monthly reports including hours, mileage, tasks completed, and issues that need to be addressed. Training, tools and supplies are provided. From 2013-2015, Stewards donated over $52,000 in donated time and mileage to project sites.